Commercial & Residential
Sewer and Drain Services
Local Family Owned Business
Serving North New Jersey
At your location within 30 minutes/24 Hours
No Hourly Charges on any jobs
All Prices Given Prior to Work Performed
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The Terms and Conditions were last modified on December 3, 2023
Please use our services lawfully and by these Terms and Conditions. You promise not to interfere with or disrupt our services in any way. You must provide your computer, operating system, and internet connection to use our services.
Consistently, we update precise information regarding our services. Not all of the information may be accurate or current. It is not advisable to consider any information obtained from our website or services as solid advice. Seek assistance from a qualified professional if necessary.
Your password and account information are private and are not revealed to anyone. You have complete authority over all activities that occur within your account.
We can stop or close your account at any time if we think you are using it without permission or breaking these Terms and Conditions.
Our Privacy Policy also tells you how to use our services. You can read our Privacy Policy to learn how we gather, use, and share your personal information.
Text, images, logos, graphics, and everything else on this site are the property of Certified Sewer & Drain or its licensors. Copyright and other intellectual property regulations safeguard it.
Without our written consent, you may not reproduce, modify, or create derivative works based on our content.
There may be links to other websites in our services. We are giving you these links to make things easier, but we don’t support or oversee the content of these sites.
We are not in charge of the content or actions of websites we do not own. You agree to their terms and conditions and privacy policies when you use websites we do not own.
We make no promises or declarations regarding the dependability, safety, or quality of the services provided by third-party service providers.
We shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental losses resulting from your utilization of our services.
Please contact us with any questions or issues about these Terms and Conditions or our services.
You agree to these Terms and Conditions and show that you understand our Privacy Policy when you visit Certified Sewer & Drain. We are glad to see you here!